Wednesday 13 February 2013

Should I Buy an Electric Fire?

Wondering whether buying an electric fire is the best way to make your home a bit warmer? Here are a few examples of the advantages of having an electric fire…
1. Efficient at the point-of-use
Most other forms of heating require something to be burned within your home to generate the heat. During that process, energy is lost so the amount of heat you get is less than what you paid for. With electric heating, you get 100% efficiency.
2. There’s no need for hard work
There are times when the thought of collecting wood, setting fires, ordering oil and other heating related activities are not your top priority. There’s something to be said for having a heat at the click of a button.
3. It’s ideal for any space
Electric fires don’t annoy the neighbours and don’t even have to take up floorspace. Modern wall-mounted electric fires mean you can heat your room effectively without needing so much as a fireplace.
4. Easy installation
Installation of some forms of heating can cost upwards of £1,000. Installing an electric fire can be as easy as putting a plug into a socket.
5. Increased flexibility
With a traditional fireplace, you’re pretty much tied to the chimney breast. You have to give consideration to flue systems and pipework. Electric fires open up an array of new design opportunities. Your imagination is the only restriction on how you’d like the fire to work within your space.
6. You can sleep easy
Other heating methods carry the risk of toxic fumes if they’re not installed correctly. As we’ve already mentioned, nothing is burned in your home to create the heat for an electric fire so there is no chance of carbon monoxide poisoning.
7. More realistic than ever
The technology for creating artificial flames gets better all the time. If the feel of a traditional fire is important to you, it’s never been easier to create the illusion of a real fire in your home.

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