Wednesday 23 January 2013

Our Favourite Electric Fires

The Brilliant Newdawn is a unique electric fire from Brilliant Fires.This revolutionary new electric fire can be ordered in 100 different colours so it can be ordered to match or contrast almost any wall colour in any room in the house as it is designed to be hung on the wall and does not need to be inset in any way.
Design B features mock four-piece trim with right angled corners to give the illusion of the trim being made up of four separate pieces of Corian, this adds a more post-modern and classic effect to the fire, especially when finished in a darker colour such as Cocoa Brown or Black Quartz. While design A has rounded corners and no mock four-piece detailing and is a very modern and contemporary design.
The revolutionary Newdawn Electric, only projecting 75mm from the wall features either pebble or traditional driftwood fuel effect combined with LED’s to create a deceptively deep and realistic looking fire while being extremely energy efficient when used as flame effect only. The fire-back comes in either traditional brick fireback to add to the illusion that the fire is set into the wall or in the modern slatted fire-back to give a more modern and contemporary feel.
This fire would be perfect, with its thermostatically controlled electric fan heater generating up to 2Kw in heat for almost any room in the house and can be used purely to add to the ambience with the flame effect only setting.
Design A or B would both fit perfectly in any modern or contemporary furnished home in a colour that would either compare or contrast to the primary colour of the room. 

Apex Rio Grande
The Apex Rio and the larger Rio Grande are certainly worth a look, featuring a new and inproved LED flame effect that has to be one of the most realistic on the market with 4 different brightness settings allowing the fire to just provide that ambience of a smouldering fire or to really give that feeling of warmth when sat in front og a bright fire.
Remote control as standard the Rio & Rio Grande offer sizes that can both be understated or as a true focal point, the Apex Rio Grande is 1.3metres wide, and truly be the centre of attention on those long winter nights or chilly summer evenings.While the LED flame effect means that just having the flame effect on to create an ambience will not hurt your wallet, LED's using a substantial amount less energy than electric fires using standard bulbs.

The Rio Grande, shown left, is a stunning hang on the wall electric fire. Available with 5 different fascia options ranging from the natural Travertine fascia to the impressive Zimbali Glass and on to solid Natural Basalt to really give a feel of quality to the fire. All the stone fascias are real stone, (no micro-marble here) with the each travertine fascia being unique, your Apex Rio Grande could really be one-of-a-kind!

Already proving to be very popular with Apex Dealers due to the variety of facias available and the solid natural stone fascias available offer a welcome break from the all-too common tv-esque black glass electric fires.
The Zimbali Glass, pictured right, adds an exotic touch to the Apex Rio range, not something i've seen on an electric fire before. Suggesting African influences to an item that is very traditionally western European in design.
The Apex Rio & Rio Grande are now available from all good Apex Retailers with the Rio Grande in Travertine now on live display at Fireplace Megastore.

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