Sunday 22 April 2012

Broseley Fires leading edge eVolution 26 boiler stove gains MCS approval

Broseley Fires Limited is pleased to announce their first MCS approved product in its range. The eVolution 26  woodburning boiler stove is the flagship model in the new eVolution range and as well as now being MCS approved the eVolution boiler offers a range of innovative features designed to maximise the potential of one of the most environmentally-friendly fuel sources.

John Reeves, Managing Director at Broseley, explained:

“The eVolution 26 boiler is at the leading edge of wood burning technology, incorporating our unique Safety Cold Water System (SCWS) enabling it to be connected directly to a sealed heating system without the need for extra feed and expansion tanks. Now that we have achieved MCS approval and a grant of up to £950 will be available for customers to install this product we hope the stove will continue to be a growing success”

Tested to the very latest UK and European standards, the flagship stove in the eVolution range is 78 per cent efficient and has an output of 26kW, delivering 10kW of heat to the room and 16kW to provide hot water.

The evolution 26 is not only a viable alternative to increasingly expensive oil or gas fired systems, it is also a real living flame attribute for your living room and a primary source for providing heat and hot water in a wide variety of homes.

“When combined with other energy-saving products such as solar panels and/or a thermal heat store, the boiler has the potential to help householders significantly reduce their heating bills whilst relying on sustainable fuel sources,” John continued.

The Grant Schemes

Currently the grants available to non commercial installations of the eVolution 26 boiler stove are in phase 2 of the Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) which comes into effect from the 2nd April 2012 this grant scheme entitles users without a mains gas supply to a £950 grant for their installation.

Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said:
“The new Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme will be bigger and better than the original.
“We’re increasing the budget from £15m to £25m, for the first time we’re including community schemes and there’ll be more social housing schemes that can benefit. Those people who are reliant on expensive oil or electric heating should consider applying to the Premium Payment scheme to cut their fuel bills in the long term.

“Generating heat from renewables will not just cut carbon emissions; it will also help create a market in developing, selling and installing kit like solar thermal panels or heat pumps.”
The scheme will continue to be administered by the Energy Saving Trust.

Karen Lawrence, Energy Saving Trust Director of Delivery, said:

"Our aim is to empower householders by giving them the right tools and advice to help them reduce both their energy usage and bills. Without a doubt, one of the main barriers that prevents people from taking the plunge is the up-front capital cost. The announcement of the second phase of the government's Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) scheme not only offers homeowners help with the initial costs, but it also provides them with access to heat technologies that can help them to reduce their energy bills, year on year

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